Specialized Training
HAZMAT/DOTRadioactive Material Handler
Radioactive Material Shipper/Receiver Inspector Training This seminar is held annually usually in the spring. If you would like to have a class taught at your facility please call us 724-774-4535. |
Take your OSHA
Scheduled SeminarsTrain the Trainer
DOT/HAZMAT Radioactive Materials Transport, Handling and Incident Response. 49 CFR part 172, Subpart H In person Hands on training is offered or you may take it on line. On Line TrainingYou may self train and it is advisable to do so - only you now what you are getting in and shipping out. Build a reference library and look it up. This is a Train the Trainer. Individuals trained also will have to perform a shipment or mock shipment and have management sign off on it. To do this you thing about what you will be expected to transpot or offer to or receive from transport and look it up in 49 CFR. It does not stop there though - oh no. this stufftakes time.
his presentation along with side with company specific SOPs (you may have to develop), Licenses and DOT specific information will cover all training from ancillary up to the shipper/receiver. You do not have to finish it in 1 setting. You will need a password to access this and a quiz will be emailed after viewing the presentation. $125.00. If you want it printed and shipped to you the cost is $175.00. Return to the front page to pay, call to pay with a credit card and order it over the phone or email us.
https://www.phmsa.dot.gov/ GREAT RESOURCE!
Recent News
https://www.lion.com/lion-news/february-2018/execs-and-employees-convicted-for-hazmat-and-rcra https://www.lion.com/lion-news/february-2018/epa-enforcement-roundup-week-of-2-6 OUCH! |